5 Google Chrome Address Bar Updates to Speed Up Your Search

Chrome’s address bar is a vital tool that aids users in quickly finding the websites they’re looking for. Whether you’ve made a typo, forgotten the exact URL, or need suggestions, Chrome has got you covered. As we transition into shorter days this fall, Google has introduced five significant updates to the Chrome address bar to enhance your browsing experience:
- Smarter Autocompletion:

- In the past, Chrome’s address bar would only autocomplete URLs if the beginning was typed correctly. For instance, to get to the Google Flights site, you had to start typing “google.com.”
- The new update brings a change where the address bar will autocomplete URLs based on any word you’ve previously used to search for a website. So, if you type “flights,” Chrome will autocomplete to “https://www.google.com/travel/flights.”
- Automatic Typo Corrections:

- Typos are common, and Chrome understands that. If you misspell a URL in the address bar, Chrome will now detect those typos and instantly provide suggestions based on your previously visited websites. This feature is now available for Chrome on desktop, Android, and iOS.
- Searches Within Bookmark Folders:

- Organizing bookmarks into folders is a great way to keep things tidy. Now, you can search within your bookmark folders directly from the Chrome address bar, both on desktop and mobile. Just include the folder name in your search, and Chrome will display suggestions from that specific collection.
- Suggestions for Popular Sites:

- Remembering the name of a recommended website can be challenging. Chrome now offers suggestions for popular sites, even if you’ve never visited them or if you’ve mistyped the URL. For instance, if you’re trying to visit Google Earth for the first time and start typing its name in the address bar, Chrome will suggest the Google Earth website in the drop-down.
- Faster, Easier-to-Read Results:
- The visual layout of the Chrome desktop address bar has been enhanced, making it more readable. Additionally, it’s now more responsive, ensuring you get faster results as soon as you begin typing.
These updates are a testament to Google’s commitment to providing users with a seamless and efficient browsing experience. As the digital world continues to evolve, tools like the Chrome address bar play a pivotal role in ensuring that users can access information quickly and efficiently.